Each year, thousands of women, girls and those who menstruate are forced to choose between essentials – like food, housing costs, and period products.

Share the Dignity is a charity that works hard to deliver real, impactful change and education in the community around period poverty. It’s a cause that is close to the hearts of Queensland Country Bank staff, having been nominated as a recipient in our Workplace Giving program for the 2023/2024 year.

On Tuesday 28 May, Queensland Country held a DigniTea across our Head Office and Administrative offices in support of the charity. Through the Workplace Giving Program, Queensland Country will donate over $4,000 to Share the Dignity from collected staff donations.

Share the Dignity founder, Rochelle Courtenay said she was so grateful for the Queensland Country Bank’s support so they could ensure women, girls and those who menstruate who are escaping domestic violence, experiencing homelessness, or living below the poverty line have the period products they need.

“It’s an unfortunate reality in Australia that women, girls and those who menstruate are having to use wadded-up toilet paper, socks and newspaper to manage their period,” Ms Courtenay said.

“Donations like this from Workplace Giving Programs and organisations like Queensland Country Bank allow us to work towards menstrual equity here in Australia and ensure everyone can manage their period with dignity.”

The Workplace Giving Program has been running for five years at Queensland Country Bank. The program has expanded since its inception, now with over 88% of staff across the organisation donating at least $1 per fortnight to the Workplace Giving Program. This affordable, individual contribution collectively results in a significant donation and ensures the chosen charities can continue their important work in the communities they service.

Other recipients this year will include the Royal Flying Doctor’s Service, Angel Paws Townsville and Dementia Australia.