Sometimes things happen unexpectedly. Losing a job, experiencing injury or large, unplanned and unexpected expenses, among many other reasons, can all have an effect on your finances. If you’re having trouble with loan or credit card repayments, we’re here to help.

Call our helpful contact centre staff on 1800 075 078 or alternatively email us at

Visit any of our branches and talk to our helpful staff. You may have some options available to you.

If you’ve been paying extra into your personal loan or mortgage, you might be ahead on your payments and eligible to take a short break from making your repayments. To find out if you’re eligible for a loan repayment holiday, please contact us on the above details.

You may also be covered by insurance for your loan repayments through income protection, loan repayment protection or your superannuation.

You may also access information from Credit Smart, an information website developed by credit experts to help consumers understand how credit reporting operates in Australia. It aims to help you understand how recent credit reporting reforms affect you, by providing information about the system that is unbiased and fair.

CreditSmart’s purpose is to empower you to understand how your credit choices affect the information that credit providers can access, and how you can view and control that information.

The CreditSmart website is owned by the Australian Retail Credit Association (ARCA), which is the peak body for organisations involved in the disclosure, exchange and application of credit reporting data in Australia. ARCA’s members are the most significant credit providers including the four major banks, credit reporting bodies (CRBs), specialist consumer finance companies, and marketplace lenders.

Below are some resources from CreditSmart which may help you.

Helping you get back on track

We’re here to help if you run into trouble, but we’re also here to help you get back on track.

  • If you can afford it, increase the repayments on your home loan or personal loan, even by a little bit – just to help you get ahead in the event of any future unexpected events.
  • Find out about insurance options, like income protection or loan repayment protection options.
  • Review or set your budget, using our handy budgeting calculator.
  • Consider our SmartBudget account, to help you with managing your bills including loan repayments
  • Sit down with one of our staff for a financial health check – we’ll look at your finances and your budget in detail with you to see if we can find areas where you could consolidate or cut back.
  • Contact a financial counsellor.

To discuss how we can help you with your finances, please call us on 1800 075 078 or email us at