To keep you informed of the financial position of Queensland Country, we are required to disclose certain information on Capital Structure, Capital Adequacy and Credit Risk.

Queensland Country Bank is regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and is required to comply with the same legally enforceable prudential standards as every bank in Australia, including the big banks, so Members can be confident that we are meeting the highest level requirements for financial management and reporting.

We are regulated in the same way as other banks and financial institution in Australia and our Members' deposits are guaranteed by the Australian Government up to $250,000.

Bank Constitution

You can download our bank constitution.

Notice of Meeting

A key element of being a Member-owned banking organisation is the ability for our Members to attend the Annual General Meeting and have a say in the running of our organisation. The Annual General Meeting is where the Membership elect the Board of Directors, approve Director remuneration and vote on other significant proposals such as mergers. If you are interested in attending such meetings, please register your details below and we will ensure that you receive a Notice of Annual General Meeting each year making you aware of the date and time the event will be held.

Register your details

Required information
I would like to receive notice of General Meetings
I would like to receive Annual Reports