Queensland Country subscribes to the Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice. The Code of Practice establishes a set of best practice standards for our dealings with you as your financial service provider, and outlines 7 key promises to you, our owners.

Queensland Country is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of our Members and the communities they live in, and our adoption of the Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice is a confirmation of our commitment to dealing with our Members in a responsible and professional manner.

Coverage and commitment

The Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice applies to Queensland Country’s dealings with:

  • our individual and small business Members
  • individuals and small businesses who give guarantees or indemnities securing loan facilities that we provide to our Members
  • prospective Members, and
  • any other Members to whom we may voluntarily apply the Code.

The Code covers:

  • deposit accounts, personal loans, home loans, credit and debit cards, cheques, online banking facilities and other financial products and facilities that we issue
  • products and facilities issued by another organisation and introduced arranged or otherwise distributed by us, but only in relation to our selection and distribution of the product or facility
  • our employees, and our agents and representatives when they are acting on our behalf.

Download the Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice.

The Code establishes higher standards than the law requires in a range of areas and outlines our key promises to you.

  1. We will deliver banking services in the interests of our customers.
  2. We will obey the law.
  3. We will not mislead or deceive.
  4. We will act honestly and fairly.
  5. We will offer products and services that are fit for general purpose.
  6. We will deliver services with reasonable care and skill.
  7. We will contribute to our community.

In adopting this Code, Queensland Country, together with our employees, agents and representatives acting on our behalf, is bound by the higher standards and additional requirements set out in the Code.

Role of Code Compliance Committee

The Code Compliance Committee (“CCC”) is an independent committee established by the Customer Owned Banking Code Compliance Committee Association (COBCCCA). The responsibilities of the CCC include monitoring and reporting on compliance with the Code, and determining Code breach issues that have been referred to it. The CCC publishes an Annual Report on Code Subscribers’ compliance with the Code and the CCC’s compliance activities.

The Compliance Manager is appointed by the CCC to undertake compliance functions on its behalf including: receiving compliance reports from Code Subscribers and investigating Code breach allegations.

Complaints about breaches of the Code

If you believe we have breached the Code, you can make a complaint to us.

If we are unable to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction and the complaint involves a claim that you have suffered loss or detriment, you may refer the matter to our external dispute resolution scheme, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

If the complaint does not involve a claim that you have suffered loss or detriment, you can report it to the Compliance Manager:

Compliance Manager
Code Compliance Committee
Ph: 1300 780 808