For 18-23 year old students and apprentices
Bonus interest rate
No monthly fee

The Future Start account recognises the challenge of saving for full-time students and apprentices. Achieve a bonus interest rate by depositing at least $5 per calendar month, with no more than one withdrawal in the same month.


  • No monthly account service fee
  • Bonus interest rate applied when no more than one withdrawal is made within the calendar month
  • To help you save, funds can only be withdrawn by transferring to another account or visiting a branch
  • 24/7 internet banking and mobile app access
  • Available for Members aged 18-23, enrolled as a full-time student at a tertiary educational institution or undertaking an apprenticeship in Australia

Rates & Fees

Base interest rate 0.15Interest rate
Bonus interest rate 4.00Interest rate
Total interest (all conditions met) 4.15Interest rate
To achieve the bonus rate of interest you must deposit at least $5 in a calendar month and make no more than one withdrawal in the same month. Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly; based on the daily closing balance at the applicable interest rate. Effective Tuesday 11 March 2025
Monthly fee $0
Transaction fees Fees may apply. Please read our Fees and Charges brochure to learn more.
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The fine print

*Refer to our Fees and Charges brochure for information on transactions which do not incur a fee, and information on transactions which may attract fees and charges.

Please be aware that interest rates may change at any time without agreement. All interest rates quoted are per annum. Fees and charges are payable.

Before acquiring this product, the information above should be read in conjunction with the following documents to determine if this product is right for you: Financial Services Guide; Target Market Determination; Personal Savings and Transaction Accounts brochure; Account and Access Facility Conditions of Use and Deposit Interest Rate Schedule.